Irritating People On Twitter

So, here I present you the most irritating people who have ever made it to Twitter (and now they maybe under screening by the company for wrongful conduct) and stayed on your TL for weeks and days. 


1. The forever-sponsored-tweets-account:

These accounts have many followers and tweet for money.

And you won’t realise it until you have had a long time on Twitter.

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2. The DM King:

He is the king of DMs and seriously thinks he knows how to woo a woman. 


Well, at times it can even be Zayn Malik of One Direction.


3. The get-more-followers-king:

He is kind enough to provide you with followers and will even face the Lannisters, The Hound and The Mountain to get into your DM and give you a barrel full of followers. 

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or they can even be armed by a weapon controlling them..

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4. The Open Flirt:

If you were the King/Queen of Westeros and you were sitting in the courtroom, this particular guy wouldn’t fear flirting, even in the presence of the Kingsgaurd.

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5. The abrupt-named-guy:

A lot of babies, when they were born, were cradled and fed. But these special humans were dropped first and then cradled and fed. Because they can’t help but beautify their name on social media.


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6. The ones who follow-to-unfollow:

These people deserve to die. I give you a follow back and you unfollow me. How sweet!



7. The Queen Bee:

This woman feels like she is hot shit and apparently, many people give her a fuck.

She may tweet crap but she will still have plenty of followers who can die for her.

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8. The Retweeters:

Retweeting is fine. But when all the tweets are retweeted ones, you don’t deserve to stay. 



9. The Spammers:

 The most irritating of all, they can come in many forms.

One form is to pounce right through the DMs


Another one is..

Sweet and smart, but this account couldn’t escape the eyes of various technology based news-sites. (Image Source:


10. The Private Person:

This person is so private that he/she prefers to keep their twitter account private. No offence, but WHO JOINS TWITTER TO STAY PRIVATE?




So tell me how did you like my fifth post under relatables in the comments. Did I miss out on any point you know? TELL ME!

I do not promote any of the account-named images in this post. This post is strictly for humour, with humour. 

I post once a week. So do tell me what do you want to read next. 🙂

CONTENT IS ORIGINAL. Memes are copied, rightful sources named. 

A few have been made by me, in this post.

~ The Inquisitive Woman

P.S: Humour is easy.


(Twitter: @joeesomething)







12 Types of Instagram Accounts

We have all seen videos and blogs about pics on Instagram. But types of accounts on Instagram? I don’t think so.

This is a guide for all those who want to know more about Instagram and even help you know who to follow and who not to. Let us see.


1. The I-love-my-pet-so-much account:

These accounts are completely dedicated by pet owners to their pets and have the most fan following for a ridiculous but cute thing, ever.

And seriously, they are actually adorable like even if your pet shits on your bed, you just wanna instagram it.



2. The REAL photography account:

Now, these accounts mainly use DSLR  or iPhone 5s.

They do click good pictures and post good ones with mainly no filter, but these accounts are looking for recognition even in the smallest thing they do on Instagram.

But a few actually exist to show-off their latest iPhone.


3. The Selfie account:

Now, this is that one account with nothing but selfies. And of course, pics which say what-did-I-drink-at-Starbucks-today.


4. The Food Porn account:

Now you know, they only have tasty food pics on that damn Insta wall that you feel like rushing into your phone, into that pic and eating that whole food with the plate.

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5. The Personal account:

This account is basically decent, a mix of selfie and foodie stuff. Like most of them are.

They are basically there on Instagram to use those filters.


6. The Spam account:

These are the most notorious accounts on Instagram because they are every kind enough to help you with job applications plus they make up half of their followers.

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7. The Shoutout account:

Another pain-in-the-ass account, they promise to make you famous on Instagram if you abide by a few rules they make for you.

For example:


And then you are expected to send a cleavage-revealing selfie to grab people’s attention.

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8. The Fashion account:

Now the owner thinks she is like this fashion queen wearing Gucci and Prada all day and so she (99% it is a girl)  actually takes the pain to promote various fashion brands and their discounts on the profile.

And pre-teen boys fap to those pics with the model in them.


9. The Traveler’s account:

One of the most interesting accounts in the list, these people are real travelers who have cycled in Tour de France to eaten tribal kills in Africa. But at times you may wish that they should stop and not hurry.

Yo Dawg I Heard You Like To Travel So I Put Acid In Your Passport So You Can Go On A Trip While You Go On A Trip


10. The Informative profile:

They are the best in the list and give you information that you were always curious of since you started school.

Like this account run by NASA:


11. The YouTuber account:

Now let me warn you, YouTube and Instagram are closely related.

So whatever is there on YouTube finds its way to Instagram with only added fanclubs and fan-based-accounts.

And the fan-based accounts have like real crazy fangirls. But they post good stuff like:

Superwoman / Lilly Singh • Period humor

So, may the Gods be with them- old and the new. Tee Hee.


12. The Inspirational Account:

This account does everything but inspire. They are here for followers and keep uploading all known quote images, edited of course, and try to call it The Inspirational Account.


So tell me how did you like my fourth post under relatables in the comments. Did I miss out on any point you know? TELL ME!

I do not promote any of the account-named images in this post. This post is strictly for humour, with humour. 

I post once a week. So do tell me what do you want to read next. 🙂

CONTENT IS ORIGINAL. Memes are copied. A few have been made by me, in this post.

~ The Inquisitive Woman

P.S: Humour is easy.


(Twitter: @joeesomething)

11 Things Which Prove That You Are a Social Media Addict

Social media. That is why you are here, reading this blog post.

But then are you addicted to it? Let us see. 


1. You have only social media apps on your phone

You may have QuizUp and Candy Crush but then almost all the time you are either glued to the Twitter app, Instagram, Snapchat or any other social app. 


2. You JUST CAN’T IGNORE that new notification

Somebody just liked your pic on Instagram and you will even come running from Mars through a nuclear explosion into the Amazon forest to check it.

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3. You are on social media, even after you log off from the web client

It is midnight, you log off Facebook and turn the computer off. 

Then you roll on the bed and log in via phone again.

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4. You have to Instagram each and every dish you are served when in a restaurant

..and then you tag it #foodporn.


And if you accidentally start eating..


5. You snapchat EVERYTHING that you are upto

You have the extraordinary ability to Snapchat anything and everything.  



6. You use hashtags everywhere, on EACH AND EVERY SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE

You pretty much know how to use hashtags, then why not flaunt?



7. You keep saving locations on Foursquare, even during morning walks

Who cares?! One of the most important aims in your life is to win more awards and medals on Foursquare than in reality. 

By the way, it is not only morning walks..

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and even the workout can be depressing for you at times..


8. You lose a follower on Twitter and your whole day goes bad

Seriously, I know that feel bro.


9. You just got an amazing tweet but it is longer than 140 characters

..and then you start typng d twt lke ths.

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10. You frequently keep checking the likes and comments on your latest post

It is an addiction, you can’t help!


11. Your twitter is full of people who post every five minutes and you get a sense of competition

..and then you start to tweet..

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So tell me how did you like my third post under relatbles in the comments. Did I miss out on any point you know? TELL ME!

I post once a week. So do tell me what do you want to read next. 🙂

CONTENT IS ORIGINAL. Memes are copied.

~ The Inquisitive Woman

P.S: Humour is easy.


(Twitter: @joeesomething)